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Fall’s Got it All When it Comes to Planting

Fall Planting - Farmside Landscape & Design

Gardeners know that the end of summer doesn’t mean the end of the planting season—it’s just the beginning of round two!


When we think of planting, we typically think of spring, when the days become longer and warmer and everything comes back to life after winter’s dormancy. But fall has a lot going for it – in fact, in some ways it tops spring for the best time to plant:


  • The soil, heated by summer’s sun, is still warm which encourages faster root growth for healthier plantings. Spring’s chilly soils slow root growth.
  • Fall’s shorter, cooler days are often also wetter, so new plantings can enjoy the moisture they need while gardeners get a break from watering tasks and their expense.
  • Moderate temperatures mean less stress for new plants, so energy can go into establishing strong, healthy roots instead of battling the blazing sun and droughts.
  • Fall is also a better time than spring to grow cool season grasses, again, thanks to warm soil temps and ample moisture. It’s the perfect time to establish or refurbish your lawn.


In our area, when we talk about the fall planting season, we mean the time between mid to late August through mid to late October. Certain plants do better when planted earlier in the season, such as conifers. They take longer to establish their root systems, so they benefit from being planted for a longer time period before the first frost comes. Hardwood trees have a more robust growth habit, so they can handle being planted a bit later in the season. Some recommended planting material that we recommend for the Fall:


  • Most deciduous shrubs
  • Perennials
  • Shade Trees, Ornamental Trees and large Evergreens


So while you may be sad to see summer go, you have plenty of gardening available still ahead of you. For more ideas and help on planting in the fall, contact us here at Farmside Landscape and Design. We’ll help you make the most out of the season!

farmside landscape and design sussex county nj


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