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Gypsy Moth Information – Q&A All About Gypsy Moths

Hairy Gypsy Moth Caterpillar on a Leaf - Farmside Landscape & Design
The Gypsy Moth is back – but do not fear, Farmside is here! We hope this week’s blog can be useful to you as we navigate dealing with this pest this year. Check out our gypsy moth Q&A below with Richard, Farmside’s Plant Health Care manager!

There are many different types of caterpillars that have hairs on them that look like the Gypsy moth. The most similar one would be the Eastern caterpillar that has a white stripe down its back and damages trees as well. You can use the photo for reference of what to look for when identifying a Gypsy moth!

Yes, They are an invasive species that can cause significant harm to the trees in our forests as well as around homes and landscape.

Placing sticky traps around the trunks of trees is a natural way of defending your landscape, however this will not diminish a large percentage of the gypsy moth on your property or near your property.

They eat the leaves on trees primarily. They can feed on hundreds of different types of plants but the most commonly seen in our area are Oaks, Hawthorne, Birch, Crabapple, Aspen, Alder, and Linden trees. The best way to describe their feeding habits is in 3 classes and that covers most of their first-class hosts.
In large quantities they can defoliate entire trees which can severely stress the tree and kill it if extreme enough. If they do not kill the tree, it can open the tree up to be more susceptible to other diseases and insects- which combining all of those factors, will kill it. Just like people, the best way to avoid issues is having a strong immune system. If you are fighting one infection, or recently recovered, it is more likely to fall ill to other health problems.
If contracted early enough we will place sticky traps around the trunks of your trees catching any that fall off and climb back up the tree. Then we will apply a targeted treatment to the trees that are hosting the insects. The earlier in their life cycle we treat the property for the pest, the easier it is to eliminate them with low impact or organic options.

Get Started With Our Gypsy Moth Treatment Service Today!

To get started with your Gypsy Moth Treatment Service call our office at (973) 875-7200  or fill out the form below.

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farmside landscape and design sussex county nj


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